Can Betta Fish Eat Shrimp? | New Diet Includes Delicious Shrimp!

Yes, Betta fish can eat shrimp, but it should only be fed to them occasionally. Here are some details:

• Shrimp is a good source of protein for Betta fish. They naturally eat insects, crustaceans and other small prey in the wild. Shrimp provides a similar type of nutritious food.

• Both cooked and raw shrimp can be fed. Cooked shrimp is often easier for Bettas to eat, while raw shrimp provides more stimulation as they have to tear it apart. Either option is fine.

• Offer small, bite-sized pieces of shrimp. Do not feed whole shrimp that are too large, as Bettas could choke. Cut shrimp into small, thumbnail-sized pieces.

• Only feed shrimp 1-2 times per week as a treat. The majority of a Betta’s diet should come from high-quality flakes and pellets made specifically for them. Shrimp is supplemental.

• Remove any leftover shrimp after feeding. Uneaten shrimp can decay and foul the water, releasing harmful bacteria.

• Shrimp may temporarily change the water parameters. The waste from the shrimp can cause spikes in ammonia, so monitor the tank closely and do water changes as needed if feeding the shrimp regularly.

• Only feed shrimp that is fresh. Avoid shrimp that is old or showing signs of spoilage, as it could make your Betta fish ill.

Overview: Betta Fish and Their Dietary Habits

With their vibrant colours and dramatic, flowing fins, Betta fish are undoubtedly one of the most attractive species to the house in an aquarium. Originating from Southeast Asia’s warm, freshwater bodies, these beauties are renowned for their unique feeding habits and precise dietary requirements. The crucial question in this comprehensive guide is, “Can Betta fish eat shrimp?”

Firstly, let’s capture some intriguing data in a nutshell:

Betta Fish’s Natural HabitatFreshwater bodies in Southeast Asia
Betta Fish’s Natural DietPredominantly insects, small crustaceans, and larvae
Commonly Kept Shrimp VarietiesGhost shrimp, cherry shrimp, and amano shrimp
Potential Risks of Shrimp FeedingChoking, disease transmission, overfeeding
Benefits of Shrimp in a Betta’s DietNutrient-rich promotes digestion, enriches the diet

Tracing the Betta Fish’s Natural Diet

In their natural setting, Betta fish showcase carnivorous tendencies. They feast predominantly on insects, their larvae and small crustaceans, including shrimp. Designed as surface feeders, Bettas are typically attracted to food that floats on the water’s surface, consuming their meals with upward-pointing mouths. This evolutionarily developed trait sets them apart in the diverse world of aquatic life.

The Verdict: Can Betta Fish Eat Shrimp?

Yes, Betta fish can certainly eat shrimp! But as with any aspect of caring for an aquarium pet, there are various factors to consider to ensure that the dietary addition of shrimp is done correctly and beneficially.

Suitable Types of Shrimp for Betta Fish

Suitable Types of Shrimp for Betta Fish

Knowing the right type of shrimp to offer your Betta is vital. Soft-shelled varieties like brine shrimp make an excellent choice, given their digestibility and nutritional value. However, when introducing live shrimp as potential tank mates (and possible snacks), popular choices among aquarium enthusiasts include ghost shrimp, cherry shrimp, and amano shrimp. Each type comes with its considerations, which we will explore later.

The Benefits of Incorporating Shrimp into Your Betta’s Diet

Shrimp isn’t merely a tasty treat for your Betta; they also offer a host of benefits:

  1. Nutritionally Dense: Shrimp are protein powerhouses packed with other essential nutrients, contributing to your Betta’s health and longevity.
  2. Promoting Digestive Health: Shrimp exoskeletons contain chitin, a type of fibre that aids in digestion, potentially preventing constipation in Betta fish.
  3. Enriching Dietary Variety: Betta fish are intelligent and curious creatures that can tire of monotonous meals. Shrimp can provide a welcome change and stimulate their feeding interest.

Potential Risks and Concerns: When Shrimp Meets Betta

Potential Risks and Concerns When Shrimp Meets Betta

Despite the benefits, potential risks must be considered before incorporating shrimp into your Betta’s diet:

  1. Choking Hazards: Larger shrimp or those with harder shells may pose a choking risk to your Betta.
  2. Disease Transmission: If shrimp are sourced from unreliable suppliers or stored improperly, they could harbour harmful bacteria or parasites.
  3. Overfeeding: As with any food, overfeeding shrimp can lead to bloating and other health issues.

Practical Guidelines: How to Feed Shrimp to Your Betta Fish

Feeding shrimp to your Betta fish requires some care and preparation. Here are some practical guidelines to follow:

  1. Size Considerations: Ensure the shrimp is appropriately sized for your Betta to swallow easily.
  2. Quantity Control: As a rule of thumb, only offer your Betta the amount of food they can consume within 2-3 minutes.
  3. Preparation Procedures: Always rinse shrimp thoroughly before feeding. If you’re using frozen shrimp, ensure it is completely thawed before serving.
  4. Sourcing: Purchase shrimp only from reliable suppliers to ensure they are disease-free and high-quality.

Final Thoughts: Striking a Dietary Balance

So, with a comprehensive examination of the topic, we can confidently confirm that Betta fish can indeed eat shrimp. Incorporating shrimp into your Betta’s diet can significantly contribute to their overall well-being and dietary satisfaction. Nevertheless, remember that shrimp should be a supplement, not a replacement, for a balanced, diverse diet, and the safety considerations discussed should always be paramount.

Whether you’re an experienced aquarist or a novice Betta fish owner, understanding your vibrant companion’s nutritional needs and dietary preferences can make an immense difference in their health and happiness. As with all dietary changes, closely observe your Betta’s behaviour afterwards, and when in doubt, consult with an aquatic veterinarian.

We wish you the best in your journey of fishkeeping!


Can live shrimp coexist with my Betta fish?

While Betta fish and shrimp can share an aquarium, it largely depends on the individual Betta’s temperament. Some might ignore their shrimp tank mates, while others may treat them as a readily available snack.

How frequently should I feed shrimp to my Betta fish?

Shrimp should be viewed as a dietary supplement rather than a staple. Offering shrimp once or twice a week would be an appropriate frequency.

Can Betta fish eat shrimp pellets?

Yes, shrimp pellets can serve as a good source of nutrients for your Betta. However, always ensure they are from a reputable brand and are of high quality.


  1. Regan, D. P. (2019). Betta Fish Care. TFH Publications.
  2. Axelrod, H. R. (1996). Exotic Tropical Fishes. T.F.H. Publications.
  3. Monks, Neale (2006). Brackish-water Fishes: An Aquarist’s Guide to Identification, Care & Husbandry. TFH Publications.


  • Muhmmad FK

    Muhammad Fk is an accomplished blogger and SEO specialist with a career spanning over five years. Born with a fascination for technology, he is renowned for his knowledge in the field and has been instrumental in breaking down complex tech concepts into easily understandable content for his readers.His depth of understanding and expertise doesn't end with technology; he also harbors a keen interest in psychology. This provides him with a unique perspective that is evident in his writing, blending tech and psychology to offer distinctive insights and content.Moreover, Furqan's passion for pets illuminates his personal life. An ardent pet lover, he often shares anecdotes and experiences related to his own pets, conveying stories and advice that resonate with fellow pet enthusiasts.

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