Can Black Moor Goldfish Live With Comet Goldfish? Best Guide: 2023.

Yes, Black Moor goldfish can live with Comet goldfish in the same aquarium, but it’s essential to provide a suitable environment that considers their different swimming abilities and needs.

A larger tank with ample space and careful monitoring of their interactions will help minimize potential issues and promote their well-being.

Do Black Moor Goldfish Get Along with Comet Goldfish?

Can Black Moor Goldfish Live With Comet Goldfish

Black Moor goldfish are known for their elegant appearance, featuring a velvety black body and protruding telescopic eyes.

They tend to have a more tranquil and slower swimming style than other goldfish breeds. On the other hand, Comet goldfish have a sleeker body shape with long, flowing fins and are recognized for their active and energetic nature, often darting around the tank.

The compatibility between these two goldfish breeds depends on several factors. It’s essential to provide a spacious tank that accommodates their swimming patterns.

Since Comet goldfish are more active, they might outswim the slower-moving Black Moor goldfish during feeding times.

To address this, you can consider offering food in multiple locations to ensure all fish receive their share.

The Comet’s energetic behavior could unintentionally stress or injure the Black Moor goldfish due to their slower movements and protruding eyes.

Providing ample hiding spots, plants, and decorations can offer shelter to both breeds to minimize the risk of injury.

Pros And Cons:

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  • Visual Contrast: Combining the Black Moor’s dark, velvety body and the Comet’s vibrant colors can create a visually striking and captivating display in your aquarium.
  • Behavioural Diversity: Black Moor goldfish are generally slower swimmers with a more tranquil demeanor, while Comet goldfish are active and dynamic in their movements. This contrast can add an engaging and visually exciting aspect to your tank.
  • Social Interaction: Introducing different goldfish species to the same environment can encourage social interaction and reduce potential boredom. The differing swimming patterns and behaviors can stimulate engagement among the fish.
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  • Feeding Challenges: Black Moor goldfish tend to be slower eaters than the Comet goldfish, who are quicker and more assertive during feeding times. This can lead to the Comet hogging most of the food, potentially causing nutritional imbalances for the Black Moor.
  • Risk of Stress and Injury: The energetic nature of Comet goldfish might inadvertently stress or injure the Black Moor goldfish due to their slower movements. The Black Moor’s protruding eyes make them more susceptible to injury.
  • Space Consideration: Comet goldfish are more active swimmers, requiring more open space for their fast-paced movements. This might challenge the slower-moving Black Moor, which prefers calmer waters.

Comparing Black Moor and Comet Goldfish Care Needs

Do Black Moor Goldfish Get Along with Comet Goldfish

Successful cohabitation requires fish to have very similar environmental, feeding, and social needs. Let’s compare Black Moor and Comet goldfish in these areas:

Water Quality

  • Temperature – Both prefer cool water in the 65-75°F range. Almost identical ideal temperature.
  • pH – Do well in pH between 7.0 and 8.0. No conflict.
  • Hardness – Tolerate a wide range but do best in moderately hard water. Compatible.
  • Filtration – Both messy fish produce a lot of waste. Need strong filtration.
  • Tank Size – Minimum 20 gallons for small groups; larger is better. Same needs.

Overall, there is an excellent water quality match between the two varieties.

Tank Setup

  • Plants – Plants help improve water conditions. Low-light plants are best for both.
  • Substrate – Smooth gravel or sand substrate for each. Avoid sharp types.
  • Caves/wood – Can add hides and décor for comfort. Compatible choices.
  • Lighting – Subdued lighting preferred. Same needs.

There are no issues sharing typical goldfish tank setups and décor.

Dietary Needs

  • Food Type – Both are omnivores. Same flake/pellet foods plus supplemental veggies.
  • Quantity – Should be fed similar amounts relative to body size 1-2x per day.
  • Vitamins – Benefit from vitamin-enriched diets. Same requirement.

Dietary requirements are essentially identical for healthy nutrition.

Social Factors

  • Schooling – Neither are true schooling fish, but do best with 3+ of the same species.
  • Aggression – Generally peaceful toward tankmates of similar size and swimming speeds.
  • Stress – Overcrowding causes excessive stress in each variety.

With some key social conditions met, can coexist well.

Overall, the care parameters of these two popular goldfish align very closely. This indicates strong potential for Black Moors and Comets to live together successfully. But there are a couple of additional factors to consider.

Special Considerations for Black Moor and Comet Cohabitation

While their care needs are largely compatible, the different builds and life stages of Black Moor and Comet fish present two key considerations for mixed tanks:

Comet Goldfish

1. Adult Size Difference

  • Comets reach a significantly larger maximum adult size of 12-14 inches compared to Black Moors at just 6-8 inches in length.
  • If housed together long term from juvenile sizes, Comets will eventually far outgrow Black Moors.
  • Ongoing size discrepancy can lead to competition at feeding time and potential bullying of smaller fish.
  • Size differences are less of an issue if introducing adult fish that are already similar in size.

2. Black Moor’s Unique Vulnerabilities

  • Black Moor’s protruding eyes are delicate and prone to easy damage from collisions or aggressive fish.
  • Their compromised vision also makes it difficult to compete for food.
  • Poor swimming ability due to a deformed body shape inhibits escaping bullies.
  • When housed with active, large-bodied Comets, special care must be taken to protect Black Moors.

Cohabitation can succeed if these considerations are addressed through proper tank setup and monitoring.

Ideal Tank Setup for Black Moor and Comet Goldfish

If you wish to keep Black Moor and Comets together, optimize tank conditions to minimize issues between them:

  • Large Tank – Aim for a 40-55+ gallon tank to provide lots of open swimming space. Reduces aggression.
  • Efficient Filtration – Helps stabilize water quality with heavy bio loads. Clean water supports health.
  • Abundant Plants – Offers plants safety, infrequent protein snacks, and water filtration.
  • Driftwood – Provides resting spots and breaks the line of sight between fish. Reduces bullying.
  • Caves – Gives shy Black Moors places to retreat and feel secure.
  • Few Tankmates – Keep just 1-2 Comets with a small group of 3-4 Black Moors. Avoid overcrowding.
  • Target Fed – Feed Black Moors separately with floating food to ensure they eat properly.

With smart tank adjustments, Black Moors and Comets can coexist in a shared habitat.

Ideal Group Size and Ratio

In addition to tank setup, paying close attention to group size and ratio helps reduce aggressive behavior:

  • House more Black Moors than Comets, at a minimum 3:1 ratio if not more. This prevents Black Moors from feeling threatened.
  • Keep just 1-2 Comet fish maximum until their adult size is reached. More may lead to bullying.
  • Start with small Comets under 4 inches long while introducing 5″+ Black Moors to adult adults to minimize intimidation.
  • Monitor all fish closely, especially at feeding times. Remove any fish showing repeated aggression or who fail to thrive.

With the right group density and size matching, Black Moors and Comets can live harmoniously!


Black Moor and Comet goldfish coexistence relies on comprehending their unique traits and tackling challenges like feeding variations and potential stress.

One can achieve a harmonious cohabitation by creating an appropriate environment that caters to the needs of both species and closely monitoring their interactions.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Can I introduce other fish species to the tank as well?

It’s best to avoid adding other species, as goldfish have specific requirements that may not align with other fish.

How often should I feed a tank with Black Moor and Comet goldfish?

Feed small amounts multiple times daily to ensure all fish receive their share of food.

Are there any specific hiding spots needed for these goldfish?

Providing plants and decorations with hiding spots can help reduce stress and promote security.

What is the ideal tank size to keep both species together?

Ideally, it would be best to have a larger tank — at least 20 gallons for the first fish and an additional 10 gallons for each subsequent fish.

Can I keep Comet goldfish with other fancy goldfish breeds like Orandas or Ryukins?

However, carefully considering size, temperament, and tank requirements is essential.

Are there any signs of compatibility issues between these goldfish?

Signs of stress, frequent chasing, and fin-nipping could indicate compatibility issues.

How do I prevent food competition among the goldfish?

Feed sinking pellets or spread the food across the tank to ensure all fish have access.

What’s the lifespan of Black Moor and Comet goldfish?

Black Moor goldfish can live up to 15 years, while Comet goldfish usually have a lifespan of around 10-15 years.


  • Syed Maaz

    Syed Maaz is a seasoned blogger and SEO expert boasting more than five years of comprehensive experience in the field. Specializing in mobile technology, Syed has become a trusted source for phone-related tips and tricks, guiding countless readers through the complexities of today's ever-evolving digital landscape.However, Syed's expertise extends far beyond technology. A health enthusiast at heart, he also shares insights into leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle, blending a tech-savvy perspective with a holistic approach to well-being. His articles on health-related topics are both informative and accessible, contributing to the overall richness of his content.Syed's personal life mirrors his varied interests, with his love for pets being a focal point. This passion bleeds into his work, adding a heartwarming touch to his blogging that pet lovers can connect with.With his dexterity in SEO, Syed has successfully maximized the reach of his content. His blog's growth in popularity is a testament to his skills in content optimization, as well as his ability to engage readers with his wide-ranging areas of interest.Syed Maaz is a versatile blogger with a multifaceted set of skills and interests. His knowledge in technology, health, and pets, coupled with his proficiency in SEO, makes him a valuable contributor to the blogging community.

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