Can Black Moor Goldfish Live with Common Goldfish? An In-depth Guide

Yes, Black Moor Goldfish can generally live with Common Goldfish. Both are varieties of the same species, Carassius auratus and can coexist in the same,a deep dive into both species’ requirements, habits, and needs reveals that this cohabitation requires careful consideration and specific measures. Let’s take a more detailed look.

As a fish enthusiast, you might be captivated by the variety of goldfish breeds available today. Each breed has unique needs, temperaments, and aesthetics that make them stand out in a tank.

Among these, the Black Moor and the Common Goldfish are popular choices. However, one question often arises – can these two species coexist harmoniously in the same tank?

  • Both types of goldfish are similar in terms of care requirements, so water parameters and tank conditions will suit both.
  • Common and black moor goldfish often tolerate each other well and interact peacefully.
  • They have similar diets and feeding schedules.
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  • Common goldfish grow larger than black moor goldfish, so they will outcompete black moors for food.
  • As they grow larger, common goldfish can bully and chase black moor goldfish.
  • Black moor goldfish have longer fins that can become damaged if nipped by common goldfish.
  • Common goldfish produce more waste compared to black moors, meaning more frequent water changes are needed.

Table of Key Features

FactorsBlack Moor GoldfishCommon Goldfish
LifespanUp to 10-15 years with proper careUp to 10-15 years with proper care
Tank SizeMinimum 20-30 gallons per fishMinimum 20-30 gallons per fish
pH Level6.0-8.06.0-8.0
DietOmnivorous, enjoys plant matter and small organismsOmnivorous, enjoys plant matter and small organisms
SpeedSlower swimmerFaster swimmer

What is a Black Moor Goldfish?

Black Moor Goldfish, also known as Black Telescope Goldfish, is a fancy goldfish breed known for their velvety, dark pigmentation and distinctive telescope eyes. The contrast of their deep black color against the light substrate of an aquarium makes them a captivating sight.

What is a Black Moor Goldfish?
Can Black Moor Goldfish Live with Common Goldfish? An In-depth Guide

These fish are typically slower swimmers, primarily due to their large, telescoping eyes, which limit their peripheral vision. Their size and speed can make them vulnerable in a tank with faster, more active fish. Black Moors are also quite sensitive to changes in water parameters and can fall sick if not monitored closely.

What is a Common Goldfish?

What is a Common Goldfish

Common Goldfish are what most people picture when they think of a pet fish. Available in various colors – but most famously golden or orange – they’re robust, adaptable to various water conditions, and quite swift.

Unlike Black Moors, Common Goldfish have streamlined bodies and are more athletic, meaning they’re faster swimmers and can easily outcompete slower tank mates when it comes to feeding or exploring the tank.

Tank Size and Setup

You must ensure ample space for each when keeping any type of goldfish, including the Black Moor and Common Goldfish. A minimum of 20-30 gallons per fish is recommended, with additional space if you plan on keeping multiple fish together.

Tank Size and Setup

Both species enjoy exploring their environment, so a tank with plenty of space can allow them to swim freely and exhibit natural behaviors. For Black Moors, a spacious environment is crucial. Given their slower speed and poor vision, cramped spaces can cause undue stress, making them more susceptible to illness.

Water Conditions

Black Moors and Common Goldfish prefer similar water parameters. They both thrive in temperatures between 65-75°F and prefer a pH range between 6.0 to 8.0.

It’s essential to regularly check the water parameters in your tank to ensure it’s suitable for your fish. Changes in water temperature, pH, or ammonia levels, nitrites, and nitrates can all cause health problems in both species.

Dietary Requirements

Both the Black Moor and Common Goldfish are omnivorous by nature, which means they enjoy a variety of foods like plant matter, insects, and crustaceans. However, their diets can be supplemented with specially formulated goldfish flakes or pellets.

The challenge arises during feeding times due to the differences in their speed. Common Goldfish, being faster swimmers, can consume the food before the slower Black Moor gets a chance. To mitigate this, consider using sinking pellets and feed in different tank areas simultaneously.

Temperament and Compatibility

Temperament and Compatibility

Generally, both Black Moors and Common Goldfish are peaceful species. However, due to their differing physical attributes and swimming speeds, the faster and more agile Common Goldfish could cause unintentional stress to the slower, vision-impaired Black Moor.

Recommendations for a Harmonious Cohabitation

Given these challenges, it’s essential to create an environment where both species can thrive:

1. Adequate Space: Ensure your tank is large enough to house both species comfortably. This reduces resource competition and gives the slower Black Moor ample room to navigate.

2. Feeding Strategy: Monitor feeding times closely to ensure that all fish get enough food. You could distract the Common Goldfish with food at one end of the tank while feeding the Black Moor at the other.

3. Same-sized Fish: Keeping fish of similar sizes can reduce the chance of bullying or competition.

4. Water Quality: Regularly check and maintain water quality to keep both species healthy.

5. Tank Decor: Use plants, rocks, and other decorations to create hiding spots and areas of respite for the Black Moor.

While Black Moor and Common Goldfish can live together, the keys to successful cohabitation include understanding each species’ specific needs, patience, and regular monitoring. These two popular goldfish breeds can share a tank with careful attention and care, providing an engaging and vibrant aquatic display.

Can you put fancy goldfish with normal goldfish?

Yes, you can put fancy goldfish with normal goldfish.

How do you breed two goldfish?

To breed two goldfish, you need a separate breeding tank, provide the right conditions for spawning, and carefully monitor and care for the eggs and fry.

How many goldfish can you put together?

It depends on the tank’s size and the goldfish’s specific needs, but a general guideline is a minimum of 20-30 gallons per goldfish.

How many goldfish are lucky?

The belief that a certain number of goldfish is lucky varies among cultures and personal beliefs. There is no universally defined lucky number of goldfish.

How big do black moor goldfish get?

Black Moor goldfish can grow up to around 6-8 inches in length, but their growth rate can be influenced by factors such as tank size, water quality, and diet.


  • Muhmmad FK

    Muhammad Fk is an accomplished blogger and SEO specialist with a career spanning over five years. Born with a fascination for technology, he is renowned for his knowledge in the field and has been instrumental in breaking down complex tech concepts into easily understandable content for his readers.His depth of understanding and expertise doesn't end with technology; he also harbors a keen interest in psychology. This provides him with a unique perspective that is evident in his writing, blending tech and psychology to offer distinctive insights and content.Moreover, Furqan's passion for pets illuminates his personal life. An ardent pet lover, he often shares anecdotes and experiences related to his own pets, conveying stories and advice that resonate with fellow pet enthusiasts.

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