Long Haired Pitbull | Can pit bulls really Have Long Hair ? Information 2024

A variant of the American Pit Bull Terrier, the Long Haired Pitbull (sometimes called a Fluffy Pit Bull) has a long, silky coat that gives it its unique appearance. Although major kennel clubs do not recognize them as a distinct breed, these dogs are just as smart, loving, and loyal as their short-haired relatives.


They need the same amount of exercise and care as other Pit Bulls, but regular grooming is key to keeping their coat healthy and looking good. A long-haired Pit Bull, when socialized and trained properly, can be an incredible asset to any family, filling their lives with love, laughter, and companionship.

Table of Contents

Details regarding the Long Haired PitBull can be found here

Visual Impressions

With long locks, The coat of a Pit Bull is longer and softer than that of a short-haired dog. Fur length can range from a few inches to several inches, and it can be straight or wavy. They often resemble Pit Bulls in build, but their coat is softer and more flowing.

Color of the Coat

Similar to their short-haired relatives, long-haired Pit Bulls can be found in a rainbow of colors and patterns. These include solid shades like black, blue, red, and brown, as well as patterns like brindle, spots, or patches.

Personality traits

In general, long-haired Pit Bulls are just like their standard-haired counterparts in terms of temperament. They have a reputation for being very intelligent, very loyal, and very loving to their families. They have the potential to be wonderful pets if given the right kind of attention and training.

Maintaining and Style

The majority of the time, long-haired Pit Bulls can get away with minimal grooming, despite their longer locks. To keep their coat healthy and tangle-free and to reduce shedding, brush them regularly. In addition, when you take the time to groom your pet regularly, you can look for symptoms of skin problems or parasites.

Physical exertion and physical engagement

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are essential for the health and happiness of long-haired Pit Bulls, just as they are for all Pit Bull varieties. Their emotional and physical health can benefit from regular playtime, walks, and interactive toys.

Factors Relating to Health

Long-haired Pit Bulls have a good prognosis for the most part, but they could develop allergies or skin problems like other Pit Bull breeds or hip dysplasia. To keep them healthy in general, it is essential to take them in for regular vet checkups and feed them a balanced diet.

Recognizing Different Breeds

Major kennel clubs, such as the American Kennel Club (AKC), do not recognize long-haired Pit Bulls as a distinct breed. Nevertheless, breed registries that accept them may list them as American Pit Bull Terriers or something similar.

Possession and Adoption

Seek out a trustworthy rescue group or shelter to adopt a long-haired Pit Bull if you’re thinking about expanding your family with one of these dogs. To have a fulfilling relationship with your dog, responsible ownership is essential. This includes training, socializing, and attending to the dog’s needs.

Long Haired Pitbull Mix

“Pit Bull Mix” or “Pit Mix,” is a Long-Haired Pit Bull mix with Pit Bull ancestry and another breed. Both parent breeds can influence these mixes’ coat type, size, temperament, and more.

Long-Haired Pit Bull mixes can have very different traits depending on the other breed(s). A Long-Haired Pit Bull mixed with a Golden Retriever or Siberian Husky may have longer and denser fur than a purebred.

The other breed(s) in a Long-Haired Pit Bull mix can also affect its temperament. Pit Bulls are loyal, intelligent, and affectionate, but their parent breeds can enhance or temper these traits.

When trained and cared for, Long-Haired Pit Bull mixes are loyal, loving, and devoted. They need socialization, training, and exercise like all dogs to become well-behaved pets. A Long-Haired Pit Bull mix can be a wonderful dog to adopt and provide a loving home for.

Needs and Traits of Long Haired Pitbull Mix

Understanding the Breed Mix: If you want to get a long-haired Pitbull mix, you should learn about the needs and traits of both Pitbulls and the other breed(s) that are in the mix.

This can help you guess their personality, size, level of energy, and grooming needs.

Needs for Grooming

Long-haired Pit Bull mixes usually need more grooming than their short-haired counterparts. To keep your pet’s fur from getting tangled and matted, you should brush it every day, especially on the tail, ears, and chest, which have longer fur.

To gently get rid of loose fur and knots, use a slicker brush or a comb made for long hair. Giving them regular baths with shampoo made just for dogs helps keep their fur clean and healthy.

Food and nutrition

It is very important for the health and well-being of your long-haired Pitbull mix that they eat a balanced diet that is right for their age, size, and level of activity.

Talk to your vet to find out what foods are best for your dog and how often they should be fed. Make sure they always have access to clean water.

Working out and stimulating your mind

Long-haired Pitbull mixes need regular exercise just like any other dog to keep their bodies and minds healthy. Take them for daily walks, runs, or playtime to keep them from getting bored and burning off extra energy.

Puzzle feeders, interactive toys, and training sessions can also keep your dog’s mind active and help you and your dog become closer.

Instruction and Making Friends

Your long-haired Pitbull mix should be socialized and trained from a very young age to make sure they grow up to be well-behaved and sure of themselves.

Treats and praise are examples of positive reinforcement that work well for teaching good behavior and following directions. Give them a lot of different people, animals, and places to be to help them get used to being in different settings.

Medical Care

Your long-haired Pitbull mix should have regular check-ups with the vet to keep an eye on their overall health and catch any problems early.

To keep them healthy and happy, make sure they get their shots, dental care, and parasite prevention on time. Take action right away to deal with any health concerns or changes in behavior.

Safety and Being a Good Owner

As a responsible pet owner, you need to make sure your long-haired Pitbull mix has a safe place to live. When they’re outside, keep them on a leash or in a fenced yard to keep them from getting hurt or running away.

Spay or neuter your dog to help control the number of pets and behavior problems. You might also want to get your dog microchipped and make sure they wear the right ID tags in case they get lost.

You can make sure your long-haired Pitbull mix has a full and happy life as a member of your family by following these tips and giving them love, attention, and the right care.

Care Instructions for Long Haired Pitbulls

To keep a Long-Haired Pitbull healthy, happy, and well-adjusted, proper care must be provided:

Personal Care

Pitbulls require frequent brushing to maintain a healthy sheen on their long coat. To keep your Pitbull’s fur in good condition and free of mats, brush it several times weekly. To detangle long-haired hair, use a special comb or slicker brush. Be extra careful around the legs and behind the ears because those are two places where knots tend to form.

Soaking up

Your Long-Haired Pitbull may require bathing more frequently than once every four to six weeks, or more frequently if advised to do so by your vet. Maintain a clean and supple coat by washing and conditioning your dog with products made for canines. To avoid skin irritation, make sure to rinse out your hair completely after using shampoo.


Regularly, clip your pit bull’s nails so they don’t grow too long and get in the way of walking. Furthermore, to avoid matting and debris getting stuck, keep the fur around their paw pads trimmed.

Treating Ear Infections

Keep an eye out for infection, wax buildup, or dirt in your Pitbull’s ears regularly. Using cotton balls or pads, clean their ears with an ear-cleaning solution that has been approved by their veterinarian. If you observe any redness, swelling, or foul odor, consult your vet immediately. Also, avoid inserting anything deep into the ear canal.

Dental Exams and Treatment

Regular brushing with a dog-specific toothpaste and toothbrush will help keep your Pitbull’s teeth in good health. Additional aids in the fight against tartar and plaque buildup include dental chews and toys. To keep an eye on your dog’s oral health, make an appointment with your vet for a checkup at regular intervals.


Make sure your Long-Haired Pitbull gets the right amount of food for their size, age, and amount of exercise. To avoid obesity, feed your dog high-quality food made for medium- to large-sized breeds and keep an eye on their weight. Make sure you have access to water at all times.

Physical activity

All Pitbull breeds, including the Long-Haired varieties, need plenty of exercise to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle. To avoid lethargy and boredom, make sure your pet gets regular exercise, plays with other people and animals, and uses their brains with stimulating toys and games.

Medical Care

Make sure your Long-Haired Pitbull gets checked out by the vet regularly to catch any health problems early. Vaccinations, flea and tick preventative, and heartworm medication should be maintained according to your veterinarian’s recommendations.

To keep your Long-Haired Pitbull healthy, happy, and thriving as a family member, it is important to follow these care guidelines.

Long Haired Pitbull Pros and Cons

Long Haired Pitbull Pros

Dedicated and Caring

Loyalty and affection are hallmarks of the Long-Haired Pitbull breed. They are loyal friends and family members who create deep bonds.

Skilled and Educatable

Long-Haired Pitbulls and other types of Pitbulls are smart and trainable dogs. They pick up commands and behaviors fast with the right kind of help and encouragement.

Natural Defense Mechanisms

Because of their protective nature, Long-Haired Pitbulls make great watchdogs. They keep their heads up and warn their owners of impending danger because of how vigilant they are.

Partners in Active Living

Pitbulls are full of life and never sit still. People who lead active lifestyles and love playing fetch, jogging, or hiking will love having one of these dogs as a companion.

Highly adaptable

There are many fields in which Long-Haired Pitbulls can shine, including as companion animals, service animals, therapy dogs, and even as competitors in dog sports like obedience and agility.

Long Haired Pitbull Cons

Mythical Animal

The media’s negative depictions of Pitbulls, especially Long-Haired varieties, contribute to widespread misunderstandings and prejudice towards these dogs. Certain areas may have breed-specific legislation or owners may experience discrimination.

An intense urge to hunt

A high prey drive, especially toward smaller animals like cats or little dogs, may manifest in certain Long-Haired Pitbulls. One way to lessen the impact of this tendency is through early socialization and training.

Possible Health Concerns

Hip dysplasia, allergies, skin problems, and breed-specific diseases are among the potential risks that Long-Haired Pitbulls face, just like any other dog breed. If you care about their health, you should take them to the vet regularly and have them tested.

Need Guidance and Education

The key to a happy, well-adjusted life for a Long-Haired Pitbull is early and consistent socialization and obedience training. They can develop protective tendencies or display undesirable behaviors if not properly trained.

Minimum Requirements for Physical Activity

Because of their boundless energy, Long-Haired Pitbulls need regular mental and physical challenges to keep them from acting out of character. Regular exercise and enrichment activities are essential, and owners must be dedicated to providing them.


How to Change Long haired Pitbull Aggressive Temperament

A long-haired Pitbull needs patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement to change its aggressive behavior.

These steps can help

Identify triggers

Determine what causes your Pitbull to act aggressively. It could involve other dogs, strangers, or environments.

Positive Reward Training

Encourage good behavior with praise, treats, and rewards. Reward your Pitbull for calm, non-aggressive trigger responses.


Introduce your Pitbull to new people, animals, and environments slowly and positively. This makes them more confident and comfortable, reducing fear and anxiety-related aggression.

Obedience Training

Teach sit, stay, come, and leave it. Regular training establishes you as the leader and teaches your Pitbull proper behavior.

Avoid Punishment

Avoid punishment-based training, which can increase aggression and damage trust with your pit bull. Instead, redirect negative and reinforce positive behaviors.

Fitness and Mindset

Give your Pitbull plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Walking, playing, and using interactive toys can reduce energy and boredom, which can lead to aggression.

Consult a Pro

If your Pitbull’s aggression persists or you’re unsure how to handle it, consult a Pitbull-experienced dog trainer or behaviorist. They can offer dog-specific advice and strategies.

Make it Safe

Avoid aggressive situations by managing your pit bull’s environment. This may involve leashing or muzzling in public, providing a quiet retreat at home, and supervising interactions with other pets and children.

Be Consistent and Patient

Be persistent in training to change behavior. Celebrate small wins and reinforce good behavior to change your Pitbull’s temperament.

Track progress

Monitor your Pitbull’s progress and adjust your training as needed. Celebrate successes and reinforce good behavior to help your long-haired Pitbull become more balanced and non-aggressive.

Tip for Long Haired Pitbull

A consistent grooming routine is essential for Long-Haired Pitbull care.

Their long coat stays clean, healthy, and tangle-free with regular grooming. Long-haired Pitbull grooming tips:

A slicker brush or long-haired breed comb should be used to brush your Long-Haired Pitbull’s coat several times a week. After brushing against hair growth to remove loose hair and debris, brush in the direction of hair growth to smooth the coat.


Focus on tangling areas like behind the ears, under the arms, and around the legs. Gently comb out mats and knots after using a detangling spray or conditioner.


Bathe your Long-Haired Pitbull every 4-6 weeks or as directed by your vet. For long coats, use a dog-specific shampoo and conditioner and rinse well to remove shampoo residue.


After bathing, gently pat your Pitbull’s coat dry with a towel, then air dry or use a low-heat blow dryer. Don’t brush or comb wet fur—it can break the hair shaft.


Trim your Long-Haired Pitbull’s paw pads to prevent matting and debris buildup. To prevent overgrowth and maintain paw health, trim their nails regularly.

Regularly check your Pitbull’s ears for dirt, wax, and infection. Clean their ears with a veterinarian-approved solution and cotton balls or pads, avoiding deep ear canal penetration.

Professional grooming

Book regular appointments with a long-haired breed-experienced groomer. An expert groomer can keep your Pitbull’s coat healthy and beautiful.

These grooming tips and a routine can help keep your Long-Haired Pitbull’s coat and health in good shape.

How often do long-haired Pit Bulls shed?

Long-haired Pit bulls do shed, but every dog is different in how much they shed. Grooming the dog regularly can help keep the coat looking its best and reduce the amount of hair it sheds.

Commonly Asked Questions About Long haired Pitbull

Long-haired Pit bulls: Are they good family pets?

Long-haired Pitbulls can make great family pets, just like their short-haired counterparts, if they get the right training, socialization, and care. It is known that they are devoted to their families and love them very much.

Do Pit Bulls with long hair have any health problems because of their hair?

Long-haired Pitbulls may be more likely to get skin problems like dermatitis or hot spots if they aren’t taken care of properly, but their coat type doesn’t cause any health problems in and of itself.

Can long-haired Pit Bulls live in colder places?

Long-haired Pitbulls may be able to handle colder weather better because their fur is longer, but they should still have access to shelter and warmth when the weather is bad.

How big do Pit Bulls with long hair get?

Long-haired Pitbulls are usually about the same size as their short-haired counterparts. Males are usually between 18 and 21 inches tall and weigh between 35 and 60 pounds. Females are usually between 17 and 20 inches tall and weigh between 30 and 50 pounds.

Long-haired Pit bulls: Are they mean?

Just like with any other dog breed, a dog’s temperament can change based on things like genetics, socialization, and training. Pit bulls of any breed, long or short hair, are not naturally more aggressive than other breeds. They can be friendly, loving, and well-behaved pets if they get the right training and socialization.

Long Haired Pitbull Conclusion

In conclusion, long-haired Pitbulls are loved pets that aren’t officially recognized as a separate breed. They are known for being friendly, loyal, and active. Pit bulls, even those with long hair, are not naturally mean, despite what some people think. If you train, socialize, and take care of your long-haired Pitbull properly, they can behave well and make great family pets.

To keep their health and appearance up, their long coats need to be brushed often to keep them from matting. For a well-rounded personality and fewer behavioral problems, it’s also important to use positive reinforcement training methods, exercise regularly, and keep your mind active.

When you’re training, you should be patient, understanding, and dedicated to creating a loving and helpful space. When owners do this, their long-haired Pitbulls can thrive and show that they are loving, loyal, and playful pets, making their owners’ lives better and busting myths about their breed.

Long Haired Pitbull FAQs

Q: Are Pit Bulls with long hair seen as a separate breed?

A: No, the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other major kennel clubs do not recognize long-haired Pitbulls as a separate breed. Some people think of them as a type of American Pit Bull Terrier.

Q: Where did long haired PitBull come from?

A: Long-haired Pitbulls are thought to have come about when American Pit Bull Terriers were bred with breeds that have long hair, like the American Staffordshire Terrier or other bully breeds with longer coats.

Q: What should you do to take care of a Pit Bull’s coat?

A: To keep the long fur from getting matted and tangled, it’s important to brush it often. To keep the coat healthy and shiny, it should be bathed as needed with a gentle dog shampoo. You can also help the dog stay clean and comfortable by cutting the fur around its ears, paws, and behind.

Q: How often do long-haired Pit Bulls shed?

A: Long-haired Pit bulls do shed, but every dog is different in how much they shed. Regular grooming can keep the coat looking its best and cut down on shedding.


  • raosahaab92

    Gohar Aalam Aks Rao Sahaab is a respected blogger, SEO specialist, and digital marketer, boasting more than five years of hands-on experience in these domains. His work primarily revolves around news blogging, wherein he skilfully transforms trending issues into compelling articles that captivate his readers.Known for offering practical tips and tricks across various topics, Gohar's guidance is regularly sought after. His knack for making complex ideas accessible has greatly contributed to his growing popularity among his diverse readership.Furthermore, Gohar has a keen interest in health and wellness, and his blogs reflect this passion. He presents insightful health-related content, designed to equip his readers with the knowledge they need to lead healthier, balanced lives.Yet, it is his love for pets that genuinely sets him apart. As a dedicated pet enthusiast, Gohar frequently writes about topics relating to pet care, sharing his personal experiences and advice. These heartfelt articles resonate deeply with fellow pet lovers and add a unique dimension to his blogging portfolio.Beyond blogging, Gohar is also a proficient digital marketer. His skills in SEO and online marketing strategies have not only helped in elevating his own content but have also aided numerous clients in boosting their online visibility and engagement.In essence, Gohar Aalam Aks Rao Sahaab is a multifaceted professional, a master at weaving his various interests into his work. Whether he's covering the latest news, sharing health tips, offering insights into pet care, or executing successful digital marketing campaigns, Gohar continually proves himself as a valuable asset in the digital world.

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